Just a Fate: Prologue (part1)

Please note beforehand that the following story is a draft version. There may (will) be plot holes and different technical errors (such as grammatical and spelling errors). This will be posted on WattPad under the same alias after I get a cover art. Please enjoy the story though. Right now, I am currently recruiting artists for the cover art. Should you be chosen, you will be properly credited! Click here to apply!

    Let me tell you a tale. A tale that has been written and modified over the centuries, but still thrives within the deepest and forbidden shelves of a library, and one that only few people today own. It is a dark tale about three princes, cursed into an eternal life in captivity and nearly turned into inhumane beasts. The original writer has long since passed away, but I can tell you what has really happened; I had experienced this with my own eyes. After all, you can say that I am the one who has caused this chaos to happen.

    Before I proceed into the true story, there are some things that I need to explain: if you are wondering when the princes were cursed, the answer to that is a millennium ago. It’s quite a long time; I know. Back then, strict laws were placed upon all the countries. The three princes had all lived in different countries, but they all had similar rules that must be followed. Two of them are as followed: Royal and noble families are strictly forbidden to fall in love… especially with someone of lower class, royal and noble families are not allowed to shower an individual, be it another royal or commoner, with love.

    Yes, two princes had broken these laws. What about the other prince, you ask? His situation is a bit more complicated; I will explain it in-depth at a later time, but to put it into a short and simple story: he was deemed as “crazy”, which has more or less led him to the situation he is in now.

    This may also lead to another question in your mind: Why did I curse them so brutally? The answer is actually quite simple: punishment is harsh, be it right now or back then. To put it frankly, repenting for your sins takes more than words. It takes feelings, and sometimes even discipline. I had put a curse on them in an attempt to turn them into a better person.

    However, favor seems not to be on my side. One of them has turned into someone who enjoys having intimacy with any girl he sees. He has turned twisted because of me. In other words, the plan I had in mind did not go the way I had initially thought it would. To put things even more frankly: I was being idiotic at the time, even though I was deemed of as the “wisest” in the land.

    Maybe starting from the beginning would bore you, so I will start from a more reasonable time: where a single human girl moved the hearts of the cursed princes that I had so much wanted to help out. This is basically how everything had started…

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    “Ethel, you must never go in the library. It hides some very dangerous things,” said my father. He has told me when I was six, and to this day (10 years later), I had not forgotten a single word he has said. I never questioned him; I had simply nodded and obeyed him. Of course, my life was normal. My father had decided to homeschool me with the claim that both public and private school lacked the “knowledgeable teachers”. I don’t necessarily hate this, but I wish that I did have some same-aged friends that I could freely talk to.

    Letting out a sigh, I sit at my desk and quietly grab a textbook. It’s heavy; judging by the thickness, it contains at least 500 pages, if not more. Once I open to the first page, I review over the content. I’d say the book is a bit challenging, but my father has always told me that challenges were good for both my mind and myself, and so gave me a textbook with too much information on it. It is this time that I wish that I could go to public schools, where I can make friends and talk to them about all my problems.

    “The pain of being alone…” I murmur to nobody in particular. I nonchalantly flip through my textbook, half-feigning taking notes. Just looking over the text makes my eyes dizzy and my vision cloud. “I’m so bored… Is there anything to do?” Just then, I remember my father’s warning to never go into the library. Now that I think into it, I don’t know why he told me to stay away. Suspicious.

    I quickly take simple notes from the first few pages of the textbook, and then set it aside. Then, I slip out from the desk and open the door to the hallway. “If I remember correctly, I go down this hallway, turn a right…” As I say the directions aloud in my mind, I soon find myself standing in front of large mahogany doors that indicated the library’s entrance. After looking around to make sure nobody around is watching, I cautiously open the door.

    The interior surprises me; there are countless shelves in the library, with rows that reach to the seemingly endless ceiling. They are all filled with books. There is a single desk in the center with some paperwork left unattended for. I quickly jog to one of the shelves to hide myself in case my father would come in the library and to find a potentially interesting book. As I look around the shelves, I see a golden spine.

    “That’s rare to see such a thing,” I say with a confused tone, “I wonder what book it is…” I reach for the bookshelf to grab the book. Once I do, I look at the title. Just a Fate? What a strange title, I think. However, I end up opening the book anyways out of sheer curiosity.

    When I start reading, I start to get the hang of the plot, because- as strange as it was- there was no synopsis at the back of a book, as it normally would with any other novel. As far as I know, it is about three princes who all have somewhat severe flaws that resulted in punishment: they were cursed by a wise enchantress named Kunya. “This is more interesting than I thought. Is this what the outside world is like?” My parents had always told me that the outside world was cruel, which was why they had put me in isolation in this huge mansion.

    This sounds exactly like what my parents had described as “cruel”. The princes’ curses varied, but they all lived an eternity in captivity in isolation. I took a sneak peek at the end of the novel as well, and the text had said: “Some people today believe that they still live today, their curses intact and still looking for vulnerable humans…” It seems as though this is a biographical book, but I know it’s fictional. There’s no way magic could have existed, after all.

    However, this book did catch my interest. I will have to go back to read it again; maybe there are some things left unanswered that can be answered once read again. Carefully, I set the book back on the shelf, and then leave the library.

    In my mind, I am already making plans for the next day. Luckily, my parents are going out for something related to their work, so I will be able to visit the library without any hitches tomorrow. “Just a Fate, Just a Fate…” I keep repeating the title aloud as I walk back to my desk to go back to studying.

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    “Aren’t you going out? You’re probably gonna die if you hole yourself up,” The young blonde-haired boy places his hands on the back of his head, trying to persuade whom he called his “older brother”. Although, they were never blood-related. None of them were; they had all come from different kingdoms, but their sins and curses had brought them together, “Don’t try to fight the curse. You might as well just go with the flow. That Kunya would never tell us how to reverse it in ten trillion years!”

    “Haha, more like infinity years,” the prince next to him laughs merrily.

    The prince still refuses to budge. The only sign that he has heard the other princes’ statements was that he narrowed his eyes as he looked out of the mansion’s windows. “It’s not that. I have a hunch…”

    “A hunch?” The other two princes tilt their heads to the sides. However, they knew that his ‘hunches’ always came to be a reality, so they didn’t say anything. They listened in.

    “... that a human will come to us.” He finishes, turning to the other two, his red eyes glowing slightly in the dimly lit room. His voice is resolute, and hard to retort to.

    After all, his hunches were always correct.


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